Let's talk
Got a burning question, a passionate comment, or just itching to share your love for the game? Shoot us a message via the contact form below, and our team will be in touch ASAP.
We’re a team of seasoned football experts, unwavering in our quest to help (Con)Federations, Leagues, and Clubs uncover the brilliance in their players. We do it because we love it, because it’s in our blood, and because we’re damn good at it. Our expertise is a finely honed blade; our dedication, a blazing fire. And truth be told, we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Our squad counts over 85 specialists with years of hard-earned wisdom and a passion that borders on madness. All this is complemented by a scientific model and proprietary algorithms, creating the perfect mix.
Born and bred in Belgium, Double Pass sprang from the fertile ground of the University of Brussels (VUB). What began as a modest spin-off with grand dreams has blossomed into a household name in the field.
Our reach extends across the globe, touching every corner of Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, North & South America. Wherever the football flame burns brightest—that’s where you’ll find us.
Picture this: a band of veterans. Ex-pro players with the glint of past glories in their eyes. Coaches, some still wet with the sweat of the last game, others who’ve long since hung up their whistles. Their mission is simple yet profound: to forge a partnership as reliable as the dawn and do whatever it takes to make you better. For you, and with you.
Got a burning question, a passionate comment, or just itching to share your love for the game? Shoot us a message via the contact form below, and our team will be in touch ASAP.